Dungeon Crawl Classics
£31.50 1 in stock
A level 7 adventure for DCC RPG Goodman Games is proud to announce the Re-release of one of its most cherished Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Crypt of the Devil Lich! Updated and converted for both 5E and the DCC RPG rules sets, this classic deathtrap dungeon was inspired by the dreaded Tomb of Horrors! The heroes are sent into the Devil Lich’s crypt to destroy her before she can return to power, as…
£135.00 1 in stock
Deluxe 3 volume DCC RPG conversion of the classic Dark Tower — suitable for 3rd level and above More than 500 pages exploring the world and legacy of this classic dungeon, in three deluxe hardcover volumes! Untold riches, ultimate power, undying glory, and gruesome death can all be found in Dark Tower! Dark Tower is an homage to the classic adventure and is a full DCC RPG conversion, plus addition…
£30.60 3 in stock
You’re no hero. You’re an adventurer: a reaver, a cutpurse, a heathen-slayer, a tight-lipped warlock guarding long-dead secrets. You seek gold and glory, winning it with sword and spell, caked in the blood and filth of the weak, the dark, the demons, and the vanquished. There are treasures to be won deep underneath, and you shall have them. Return to the glory days of fantasy with the Dungeon Craw…
£27.00 2 in stock
Run your own Grimtooth campaign or pick and choose locations you can use in your own single location adventures. Explore Grimtooth’s caverns, visit his Inner Sanctum, escape the Deathmaze Testing Center, attend Warthog’s School for Trolls, take a ride on Grimtooth’s Airship, tour Grimtina’s Petting Zoo or get lost in the Infinite Corridor of Hallways and many more gigantic places of doom. Each of…
£54.90 2 in stock
Our biggest adventure ever! A Level 5 Adventure for DCC RPG Eons past, a brotherhood of mad philosopher-kings marched an army of slaves into the heart of a mountain. On their backs they bore a legendary treasure-hoard: coffers spilling over with blazing gems, strongboxes bright with gold, and the jeweled idols of a thousand gods. They were never seen again. Today the gleaming domes at the top of t…